Building machine learning and statistical models often requires pre- and post-transformation of the input and/or response variables, prior to training (or fitting) the models. For example, a model may require training on the logarithm of the response and input variables. As a consequence, fitting and then generating predictions from these models requires repeated application of transformation and inverse-transformation functions - to go from the domain of the original input variables to the domain of the original output variables (via the model). This is usually quite a laborious and repetitive process that leads to messy code and notebooks.
The pipeliner
package aims to provide an elegant
solution to these issues by implementing a common interface and workflow
with which it is possible to:
The idea of pipelines is inspired by the machine learning pipelines
implemented in Apache Spark’s MLib library
(which are in-turn inspired by Python’s scikit-Learn package). This
package is still in its infancy and the latest development version can
be downloaded from this GitHub repository using the
package (bundled with RStudio),
There are currently four types of pipeline section - a section being a function that wraps a user-defined function - that can be assembled into a pipeline:
: wraps a function that maps input
variables (or features) to another space - e.g.,transform_response
: wraps a function that maps the
response variable to another space - e.g.,estimate_model
: wraps a function that defines how to
estimate a model from training data in a data.frame - e.g.,inv_transform_features(f)
: wraps a function that is the
inverse to transform_response
, such that we can map from
the space of inner-model predictions to the one of output domain
predictions - e.g.,As demonstrated above, each one of these functions expects as its
argument another unary function of a data.frame (i.e. it has to be a
function of a single data.frame). With the exception of
, which expects the input function to return
an object that has a predict.object-class-name
existing in the current environment (e.g. predict.lm
linear models built using lm()
), all the other transform
functions also expect their input functions to return data.frames
(consisting entirely of columns not present in the
input data.frame). If any of these rules are violated then appropriately
named errors will be thrown to help you locate the issue.
If this sounds complex and convoluted then I encourage you to to skip to the examples below - this framework is very simple to use in practice. Simplicity is the key aim here.
I am a great believer and protagonist for functional programming -
especially for data-related tasks like building machine learning models.
At the same time the notion of a ‘machine learning pipeline’ is well
represented with a simple object-oriented class hierarchy (which is how
it is implemented in Apache Spark’s). I couldn’t
decide which style of interface was best, so I implemented both within
(using the same underlying code) and ensured
their output can be used interchangeably. To keep this introduction
simple, however, I’m only going to talk about the functional interface -
those interested in the (more) object-oriented approach are encouraged
to read the manual pages for the ml_pipeline_builder
We use the faithful
dataset shipped with R, together
with the pipeliner
package to estimate a linear regression
model for the eruption duration of ‘Old Faithful’ as a function of the
inter-eruption waiting time. The transformations we apply to the input
and response variables - before we estimate the model - are simple
scaling by the mean and standard deviation (i.e. mapping the variables
to z-scores).
The end-to-end process for building the pipeline, estimating the model and generating in-sample predictions (that include all interim variable transformations), is as follows,
data <- faithful
lm_pipeline <- pipeline(
transform_features(function(df) {
data.frame(x1 = (df$waiting - mean(df$waiting)) / sd(df$waiting))
transform_response(function(df) {
data.frame(y = (df$eruptions - mean(df$eruptions)) / sd(df$eruptions))
estimate_model(function(df) {
lm(y ~ 1 + x1, df)
inv_transform_response(function(df) {
data.frame(pred_eruptions = df$pred_model * sd(df$eruptions) + mean(df$eruptions))
in_sample_predictions <- predict(lm_pipeline, data, verbose = TRUE)
## eruptions waiting x1 pred_model pred_eruptions
## 1 3.600 79 0.5960248 0.5369058 4.100592
## 2 1.800 54 -1.2428901 -1.1196093 2.209893
## 3 3.333 74 0.2282418 0.2056028 3.722452
## 4 2.283 62 -0.6544374 -0.5895245 2.814917
## 5 4.533 85 1.0373644 0.9344694 4.554360
## 6 2.883 55 -1.1693335 -1.0533487 2.285521
We can access the estimated inner models directly and compute summaries, etc - for example,
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ 1 + x1, data = df)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.13826 -0.33021 0.03074 0.30586 1.04549
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -2.915e-16 2.638e-02 0.00 1
## x1 9.008e-01 2.643e-02 34.09 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.435 on 270 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8115, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8108
## F-statistic: 1162 on 1 and 270 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Pipeline prediction functions can also be accessed directly in a similar way - for example,
pred_function <- lm_pipeline$predict
predictions <- pred_function(data, verbose = FALSE)
## pred_eruptions
## 1 4.100592
## 2 2.209893
## 3 3.722452
## 4 2.814917
## 5 4.554360
## 6 2.285521
The pipeliner
approach to building models becomes even
more concise when combined with the set of packages in the tidyverse. For example, the ‘Old
Faithful’ pipeline could be rewritten as,
lm_pipeline <- data %>%
transform_features(function(df) {
transmute(df, x1 = (waiting - mean(waiting)) / sd(waiting))
transform_response(function(df) {
transmute(df, y = (eruptions - mean(eruptions)) / sd(eruptions))
estimate_model(function(df) {
lm(y ~ 1 + x1, df)
inv_transform_response(function(df) {
transmute(df, pred_eruptions = pred_model * sd(eruptions) + mean(eruptions))
head(predict(lm_pipeline, data))
## [1] 4.100592 2.209893 3.722452 2.814917 4.554360 2.285521
Nice, compact and expressive (if I don’t say so myself)!
If we now introduce the modelr
package into this
workflow and adopt the the list-columns pattern described in Hadley
Wickham’s R for Data
Science, we can also achieve wonderfully compact end-to-end model
estimation and cross-validation,
# define a function that estimates a machine learning pipeline on a single fold of the data
pipeline_func <- function(df) {
transform_features(function(df) {
transmute(df, x1 = (waiting - mean(waiting)) / sd(waiting))
transform_response(function(df) {
transmute(df, y = (eruptions - mean(eruptions)) / sd(eruptions))
estimate_model(function(df) {
lm(y ~ 1 + x1, df)
inv_transform_response(function(df) {
transmute(df, pred_eruptions = pred_model * sd(eruptions) + mean(eruptions))
# 5-fold cross-validation using machine learning pipelines
cv_rmse <- crossv_kfold(data, 5) %>%
mutate(model = map(train, ~ pipeline_func(,
predictions = map2(model, test, ~ predict(.x,,
residuals = map2(predictions, test, ~ .x -$eruptions),
rmse = map_dbl(residuals, ~ sqrt(mean(.x ^ 2)))) %>%
summarise(mean_rmse = mean(rmse), sd_rmse = sd(rmse))
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## mean_rmse sd_rmse
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.485 0.0630
I built pipeliner
largely to fill a hole in my own
workflows. Up until now I’ve used Max Kuhn’s excellent caret
package quite a bit, but for in-the-moment model building
(e.g. within a R Notebook) it wasn’t simplifying the code that
much, and the style doesn’t quite fit with the tidy and functional world
that I now inhabit most of the time. So, I plugged the hole by myself. I
intend to live with pipeliner
for a while to get an idea of
where it might go next, but I am always open to suggestions (and bug
notifications) - please leave any ideas here.